Funny Workout Fails: Why You Should Avoid the Gym

Funny Workout Fails: Why You Should Avoid the Gym

Seriously, exercise isn't worth it, you should just stay home and avoid this happening to you.
  • #1 Exercising Can Be Dangerous

    Getting out of bed to go to the gym can be a test of strength but why do so when you know you're going to get a bump or a bruise? Like this GIF shows, you may just want to reconsider exercising or going to the gym altogether.
  • #2 You Can Just Hurt Yourself At Home

    Home gyms are extremely unreliable and for good reason. If you plan to take a straight-to-YouTube video of yourself while you're "sweating a few buckets", then you're most likely going to take the most epic spill anyone can take.
  • #3 ...Or In Your Dorm Room

    College can be tough for a kid, especially if you're trying to fight your way into someone's heart, but that's what dorm gyms are for right? Wrong; especially if you try working out in your underwear.
  • #4 ...And In Your Driveway Too

    We're not too sure why anyone would want to bust out a few pull-ups in their driveway, who wants to do this in public?
  • #5 Exercising In Public Just Sucks

    If you were absolutely terrible at Track And Field Day, then going to the gym is likely going to resurrect a few nightmares. Especially when they don't give out sixth or seventh place ribbons.
  • #6 Trainers Really Aren't That Helpful

    Some exercise addicts are content with paying gym trainers $200 for a session but you can literally learn different techniques and exercises by yourself. If a walrus can whip up a workout, then we're pretty sure you can too.
  • #7 Everyone Will Know Your Weaknesses

    You know your frail and slow but does the really cute girl/guy at the gym need to know that? Of course she doesn't, but the gym isn't your friend and it's not there to be your partner-in-crime in the dating realm.
  • #8 Your Friends Will Never Support You

    They'll try their best to par take in the gym life with you, but they'll stick around longer enough to support you. To them, they see your healthy habits as an opportunity to eat all the junk food you don't want.
  • #9 Even Gym Mirrors Tell Lies

    Taking part in a two hour workout that helps you burn nearly a day's worth of calories is great and all, but try looking at yourself in a locker room mirror once that's all said and done. We bet $100 you'll work out for at least another 15 minutes.
  • #10 Being An Expert Means Nothing

    Got your own home gym? Been lifting since you were 12? Can't get enough of Power Bars that taste like cardboard? All of those things mean nothing when you wind up in incidents that are more dangerous than a knife fight.
  • #11 It's Easy To Get Stuck In Equipment

    And there are seldom things in life that are more embarrassing. It's tough to recover from trips and spills but it's near impossible to recover from being tangled up in gym equipment that's supposed to be "stationary".
  • #12 Or Give Yourself A Nut Shot

    They exist in regular sports and rest assured, they exist while warming up or part-taking in other forms of physical activity. And as you may already know, things do get physical.
  • #13 Treadmills Were Made By The Devil

    Laying out all of the facts: they're expensive, they take up a lot of room and they're too complicated to understand. They also fall apart in a heartbeat and when you least expect it!
  • #14 No One Looks Cool While Exercising

    Headbands, knee pads or even a pair of Nikes can't save you from looking totally uncool while curling your biceps or participating in a rigorous exercise session while on the Stairmaster 3000. In fact, nothing can save you from looking weird while exercising any part of your body.
  • #15 You're Bound To Cheat

    As both Homer Simpson and this guy have showed, you're likely going to give up and give in to being lazy while you work out. It's totally possible and though it is preventable, it can be hard to quit once you start!
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