You Know It's TOO HOT When

  • #1 Too Hot For Clothes

    She seems a lot more comfortable than the rest of them though, doesn't she?
  • #2 Tires Melt

    We didn't know they could do that.
  • #3 The Mailbox Gives Up

    No mail today, too hot.
  • #4 The Birds do This

    Clever beasties.
  • #5 The Traffic Cones Just Can't

    Poor thing.
  • #6 The Cat Does This

    And makes everyone else in the room even hotter.
  • #7 The Ceiling Fan Taps Out

    How are we going to get cool now?
  • #8 Your Kiddie Pool Is Colonized

    We didn't know you were allowed to keep them as pets...
  • #9 This Happens

    We can feel that all the way over here.
  • #10 Ahh...

    That's better.
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