You’ll love the Morning Wakeup having this Coffee Alarm Clock

You’ll love the Morning Wakeup having this Coffee Alarm Clock

“'Joshua Renouf' is such a creative British designer who wanted to step out of the ordinary and create something interesting that helps everyone who has to wake up early in the morning and also is a coffee lover to enjoy the morning wake up alarm by having a ready made coffee cup by the alarm clock itself made by the time which they set.

The sound which this alarm clock gets to wake up its owner, is the sound of some tiny stainless steel ball bearings which in a way boils the water through an induction heating process, just add the coffee and the sugar you want to the alarm clock along with the water, and it’s all done by time. Check out the photos which explain this amazing alarm clock.
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Via 1mpics
By Rasha Grobanite
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