Accidents Just WAITING to Happen

Accidents Just WAITING to Happen

Sometimes bad things bad things just happen. But other times, bad things happen because you're dumb and you make bad decisions.
  • #1 Look Out Below

    They're gonna need a bigger barricade.
  • #2 Heavy

    Are those clams? Why would anyone need that many clams?
  • #3 Push It

    "This definitely won't end painfully".
    -- This Lady With More Luggage Than Sense
  • #4 Hang On

    Are they already having an accident? Somebody should probably call an ambulance for the guy in the back.
  • #5 Rickety

    Does anyone else hear "Dumb Ways to Die" playing in their head?
  • #6 They See Me Rolling

    This one is going to be hard to explain to Child Protective Services.
  • #7 Vroom

    Probably didn't need that door anyway.
  • #8 Balance

    It's impressive now. But in a bump or two, it's going to be hilarious.
  • #9 Construction

    Frankly, we don't know why anyone uses more than 11 sticks to build anything.
  • #10 Choo Choo

    Well, that's going to end up on the news...
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