Drunk College Girl FAILS

Drunk College Girl FAILS

If you go to or have attended college, are a female, and are not a complete spinster than you have probably been one of these girls at one time or another.
  • #1 No Strings Attached

    The classic leg kick is always a risky move, ladies.
  • #2 VodkaSamm

    If you do not know the legend of Vodka Samm, you better scroll your pretty little clicker over to Google and look her up. The definition of a drunk college girl.
  • #3 I'm Good I Swear

    Drunkenness and overconfidence go hand in hand, always have, always will. Make sure someone stops her before she gets the confidence to drive someone's car, for pete's sake.
  • #4 Put Your Party Face On

    Everyone has their party face, don't judge her! Why is everyone judging Britney? Leave her alone!
  • #5 Human Art

    You could sell this chick as a legitimate piece of art, it really is a thing of spectacular beauty! Ahh, drunken consequences never dissapoint!
  • #6 The Nap of Shame

    If you are going to pass out with your leg in the car pool lane and your face in the gutter is using cheese pizza as a pillow really that much more of a stretch? Once you go concrete you never get back on your feet....
  • #7 That's Not All....

    AND she's still in college, do you believe it? Like Tommy Boy or Van Wilder, the good times were too enticing to leave...ever.
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