These 36 People Got Older, But Never Grew Up. They Are Seriously EPIC

These 36 People Got Older, But Never Grew Up. They Are Seriously EPIC

Your age is just a number. Each of us will experience time's passing, but that doesn't mean we should get more depressed and surly as the years go on. In fact, just because you get older, it doesn't mean you have to grow up.

Aging with grace means accepting the things you cannot change. Maybe you'll get more wrinkles, have grey hair and you won't be able to touch your toes. You need to accept that. What you can control, though, is your attitude. Embrace how awesome life is, no matter how old you are!

These people decided they were never going to get boring or old. Joie de vivre is inside each and every one of them. They ROCK.
  • 1.) She deserves every high five she gets!

  • 2.) Rock on, granny, rock on.

  • 3.) No shame, just AWESOMENESS.

  • 4.) Granny on the 1's and 2's.

  • 5.) Nana: the original hipster.

  • 6.) I'd look like that if I had that on my head, too.

  • 7.) The world's most epic dance-off.

  • 8.) This couple defined punk.

  • 9.) Grammy knows how to pull off epic Duck Face.

  • 10.) Drop it like it's hot.

  • 11.) Mrs. Claus on December 26. Party hard!

  • 12.) And you thought YOU could dance.

  • 13.) Who needs crutches when you can move like this?

  • 14.) You couldn't stop his happy even if you tried.

  • 15.) iPad? More Like I-can't-see-with-my-eyes-Pad.

  • 16.) Those tats hold up.

  • 17.) I have a feeling he has a medical marijuana prescription.

  • 18.) She's packing like a true gangsta.

  • 19.) You'll never be this ripped. NEVER.

  • 20.) Right there with ya.

  • 21.) You'll probably never be this cool. Sorry.

  • 22.) Rock n' roll, baby!

  • 23.) THIS is how you enjoy a concert, kids.

  • 24.) At least one guy was enjoying the music.

  • 25.) He. Doesn't. Even. Care.

  • 26.) She was at Woodstock. WORD UP.

  • 27.) Even the baby knows this guy has moves.

  • 28.) He just! Has! To! DANCE!

  • 29.) Grandpa knows what's up.

  • 30.) Too cool (and old) for school.

  • 31.) Break it down, grandad.

  • 32.) All of the YES.

  • 33.) His hat's on sideways... this is gonna get CRAZY.

  • 34.) This dude knows how to party.

  • 35.) Can't dance. Still tries.

  • 36.) Walmart dancing? Sure, why not!

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